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DUGi: Llistar Títols | dc.subject:"Biocontrol" | 0 - 13

Llistar Títols

S'han trobat 13 ítems

Llistant ítems des de 0 a 13:

doc icon DUGiDocs 28 gener 2008 Characterization and efficacy of bacterial strains for biological control of soil-borne diseases caused by Phytophthora cactorum and Meloidogyne javanica on Rosaceous plants Agustí Alcals, Lourdes
out url icon Recercat Characterization and efficacy of bacterial strains for biological control of soil-borne diseases caused by Phytophthora cactorum and Meloidogyne javanica on Rosaceous plants Agustí Alcals, Lourdes
doc icon DUGiDocs 13 juny 2016 Characterization and improvement of plant-associated Lactobacillus plantarum. Novel biocontrol agent for fire blight disease Roselló Prados, Gemma
out url icon Recercat Characterization and improvement of plant-associated Lactobacillus plantarum. Novel biocontrol agent for fire blight disease Roselló Prados, Gemma
doc icon DUGiDocs 27 novembre 2006 Characterization and mechanism of action of the biological control agent Pantoea agglomerans EPS125 Moreno González, M. del Carmen
out url icon Recercat Characterization and mechanism of action of the biological control agent Pantoea agglomerans EPS125 Moreno González, M. del Carmen
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 juliol 2019 Classificació d’aïllats del complex Pseudomonas fluorescens en grups filogenètics mitjançant marcadors específics per a la selecció d’agents de biocontrol Trauschke Amigó, Saskia
doc icon DUGiDocs 19 desembre 2006 Development of molecular monitoring methods and assessment of the environmental fate of the biological control agent of fire blight Pseudomonas fluorescens EPS62e Pujol Abajo, Marta
out url icon Recercat Development of molecular monitoring methods and assessment of the environmental fate of the biological control agent of fire blight Pseudomonas fluorescens EPS62e Pujol Abajo, Marta
doc icon DUGiDocs 22 juny 2004 Fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) of rosaceous plants. Pathogen virulence and selection and characterization of biological control agents Cabrefiga Olamendi, Jordi
out url icon Recercat Fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) of rosaceous plants. Pathogen virulence and selection and characterization of biological control agents Cabrefiga Olamendi, Jordi
out url icon Recercat Fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) of rosaceous plants. Pathogen virulence and selection and characterization of biological control agents Cabrefiga Olamendi, Jordi
out url icon Recercat Fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) of rosaceous plants. Pathogen virulence and selection and characterization of biological control agents Cabrefiga Olamendi, Jordi


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